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A Polish woman gave birth to 6 children at the same time!

চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞানের এই বিরল ঘটনা নিয়ে উচ্ছ্বসিত দেশটির মানুষজন

The Dhaka Times Desk It's really weird. Such words are not often heard. Because not one, not two, but at the same time, a woman from Poland gave birth to 6 children!

এক সঙ্গে ৬ শিশু জন্ম দিলেন পোল্যান্ডের এক নারী! 1

As the saying goes, 'one in a million'. This event is so rare that it is doubtful whether it happens not in a million, but in a million. Recently, the doctors of the University Hospital in Krakow, Poland witnessed such an incident.

A Polish woman gave birth to 6 children simultaneously in that hospital. Since then the people of the country are excited about this rare event in medical science.

Six children born together or sextuplets happened for the first time in Poland. "The woman who gave birth to six children is 29 years old," university hospital spokesman Richard Lutterbach told a news agency after the incident.

He also said that the woman and her children are healthy after giving birth. She gave birth to 6 sons and 4 daughters out of 6 children.

Doctors said that the weight of each child is between 890 grams to 1 kilogram and 300 grams. The woman gave birth to 6 children at 29 weeks of pregnancy.

According to a report of Anandabazar newspaper in India, the woman also has a two-year-old son. Polish President Andrzej Duda congratulated the woman on Twitter after the sextuplets.

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