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A 'princess' is married with a concrete bridge!

Ring on finger, long white wedding gown on, flower in hand. Bride in divine wedding dress

The Dhaka Times Desk Truly there is so much more in this world and so much more we have yet to see. Now a 'princess' is married with a concrete bridge!

এক 'রাজকুমারী'র বিয়ে হলো কংক্রিটের সেতুর সঙ্গে! 1

Such a news of Daily Mail surprised everyone. What is possible? Can concrete bridges ever be married to people? But it really happened.

Ring on finger, long white wedding gown on, flower in hand. Bride in divine wedding dress. But do you know why? For marriage, but who knows the husband of this Australian woman named Jody Rose? A concrete bridge! Yes, this woman is married to an ancient bridge in France. He is the husband of the bridge named 'La Pont do Diablo' located on the Tech River in the administrative division of the country. The English name of the bridge means The Devil's Bridge. Rose married Bridget in 2013.

It has been 6 years. Like every woman, Rose still remembers those moments of marriage as the happiest event. Go back there again and again. Describes the husband as handsome, strong and strong husband.

Recently, this woman presented this story of her marriage to the media. In the words of Rose Jodi, 'This is the story of a fairy and her handsome, strong and strong husband'!

This 14th century stone structure was seen daily during a trip to France before the wedding. Then he decided to marry this ancient bridge. Then what is said is done, the marriage is arranged. 14 guests attended the event. The couple was blessed by the mayor of the neighboring town, Saint Jean de Fosse. Rose expressed her feelings, saying that it was a 'beautiful feeling' to marry the bridge.

"I was really, really nervous," Rose told Australian news outlet Sunday Night. Finally, the wedding day of the princess has arrived. Rose still wears that wedding ring with pride. Apalak stands beside the bridge in a wedding dress.

"Look, I'm wearing a ring, baby," murmured Rose. Rose said to the reporter, 'He is very handsome, strong and strong. I think he is my ideal who I wanted to have as a husband. He is the one who can give me the confidence whose presence I feel all the time.

Rose added, 'He gives me a safe haven, brings me back to him. Everything I expect from a husband, The Devil's Bridge gives me everything.

Touching on the emotional subject, Rose added, 'If I love another bridge or man, he (The Devil's Bridge) can understand it too! There is a love between us that we feel every moment by hugging each other!

It should be noted that no matter how much Rose talks, there is no recognition of this type of marriage in France. Rose claims that they are really married. The marriage relationship between them is unbreakable!

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