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How to control the child's behavioral problems!

Many parents have to face various problems with the child's behavior

The Dhaka Times Desk Many parents have to face various problems with the child's behavior. Sometimes children behave quite rudely. Learn how to control child behavioral problems today!

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Many parents have to face various problems with the child's behavior. Sometimes children behave quite rudely. Learn how to control child behavioral problems today!

Do what feels right

Whatever decision is made, make sure it is right for you, the baby and the family. Do not take a decision that you do not believe in or that does not feel right to you. If you don't follow through on what you say, it gets noticed by the kids.

Never accept defeat

Once you decide to do something, never hesitate to do it. It is normal that something will take time to resolve. Get help from a partner, friend, other parent, health care provider or your doctor. It is wise to discuss with someone what you are about to do.

Stick to the decision

Most of the time children have to be persistent. You can't react to children's behavior one way today and another later. Care should also be taken to ensure that those who are in close contact with the child also approach the problem in a similar manner.

Do not overreact

If your child continues to act annoying day after day, your anger and frustration may increase. It can be easy to vent this anger or resentment on them. If such a situation arises, the whole situation will go out of hand.

Sometimes it will be difficult not to show irritation or anger, but definitely try to keep your temper under control. Once the child has been told not to do something, focus on activities or things that both parties enjoy or like. You can try different ways to reduce frustration, which might be talking about your feelings with other parents.

Talk to the child

Children don't always have to be able to talk to understand something. If they can understand why you want them to do something, it pays off.

Encourage the child to talk

Giving children a chance to explain why they are angry or upset can help reduce their frustration.

give reward

Support the child by rewarding him or her for good behavior. For example, praise them or give them their favorite food while having tea or snack. If the child behaves well, make it clear that you are happy about it. Never offer gifts or rewards before doing something. Because then it will act more like a bribe than a reward.

Avoid hitting or hitting the child

Hitting a child at the moment of doing something should stop the child from doing the action, but hitting never produces long-lasting positive results.

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