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Ibn Tulun Mosque in Cairo, Egypt

This historic mosque is located on a small hill called Jabal Yashkur

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 7 June 2019 Christ, 24 Jaishth 1426 Bangabd, 3 Shawwal 1440 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

মিশরের কায়রোর ইবনে তুলুন মসজিদ 1

Ahmed Ibn Tulun Mosque (Arabic: مسجد احمد بن تولون‎) This mosque is located in Cairo, Egypt. It is said to be the only one of Cairo's ancient mosques that has survived in its original form.

The mosque was built by the Abbasid governor Ahmed Ibn Tulun. He ruled the country virtually independently. Historian Al Maqrizi dates the construction of the mosque to 876 AD. The inscription on the mosque mentions the date of its construction as 265 Hijri or 879 AD.

This historic mosque is located on a small hill called Jabal Yashkur. The minaret of the Ibn Tulun mosque has considerable similarities with the famous minaret of Samarra. According to local folklore, after the great flood, Noah's (A.S.) boat settled here instead of Mount Ararat.

Source: Wikipedia

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