The Dhaka Times
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Humans have more senses than just 5!

What other feelings can people have after 5?

The Dhaka Times Desk We have known for a long time that humans have 5 senses. But that idea is wrong. Scientists say that people have more senses than just 5!

কেবল ৫টিই নয় আরও ইন্দ্রিয় রয়েছে মানুষের! 1

Even though we have known about the 5 senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, scientists say that humans have more senses beyond these. Our question may be that after these 5, what other feelings can people have? A recent scientific research has revealed that beyond these known senses, there are some senses such as the world, which we do not look for in the same way. One such feeling is 'propreception', which in Bengali means 'possession over oneself'. This particular sense makes man aware of the volume and measurement of his body. Also helps the body adapt to any time-frame.

Another sense is 'thermoception'. By this man can understand the temperature of his surroundings. It is this feeling that helps people to keep their body temperature balanced. By this, people understand when to give lepmuri and when to eat cold whey syrup.

One sense is 'equilibrioception'. Its function is to maintain the balance of the body. By its grace people walk or run. So scientists say that humans have more senses than just 5. Beyond this are the senses of hunger and thirst, time and direction. Feelings of hunger and thirst indicate when our body is craving nutrients. Viewed as such, scientists believe these sensations do not count as five senses.

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