The Dhaka Times
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Ishwardi's Baikali Sweetmeat is offering free iftar throughout the month of Ramadan!

A restaurant called Baikali Sweetmeat in Ishwardi Bazar

The Dhaka Times Desk A restaurant called Baikali Sweetmeat in Ishwardi Bazar is offering Iftar to fasting people for free throughout the month of Ramadan! More than one hundred people are having free iftar at this restaurant every day!

রমজান মাস জুড়ে বিনামূল্যে ইফতার করাচ্ছেন ঈশ্বরদীর বৈকালী সুইটমিট! 1

It is known that in the beginning, around 70-80 people were given free Iftar by this hotel authority. Later on, it stopped increasing to about 150.

The owner of the hotel, Tapan Fakir told the media about this, I am doing business with my family for the remaining 11 months of the year, thanks to the grace of God. I organized this free iftar meal in Ramadan mainly for my own self-satisfaction. Being able to do this service is considered to be three blessings.

A lot of iftar items are also being sold from his hotel every day. But when it's time for iftari, he arranges iftari on the table. Then there are ordinary people who cannot afford to eat iftar or a traveler who needs to eat iftar can sit here. Iftar program is free. Once the iftar is over, the table is cleared again and prepared for the hotel customers. The entire fast is going on according to this rule. However, no money is being taken from any person sitting at the table during Iftar.

A person said that when he went to the hotel after iftar to pay the bill in cash, the manager said that iftar is being served here for free. No need to pay.

However, after the word of such great activities of this hotel spread throughout the city, the level of iftar sales in the hotel also increased many times. It is as if the competition has started to buy iftar at the hotel.

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