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In 5 months, 28 thousand immigrants including Bangladeshis were arrested in Malaysia

On May 27, the country's home minister himself took part in an operation and vowed to arrest illegal immigrants

The Dhaka Times Desk Citizens of various countries, including Bangladeshis, are constantly facing arrest in the ongoing combing operation against illegal immigrants in Malaysia. In 5 months, 28 thousand immigrants including Bangladeshis were arrested in Malaysia.

৫ মাসে মালয়েশিয়ায় বাংলাদেশীসহ ২৮ হাজার অভিবাসী গ্রেফতার 1

According to media reports, more than 5,000 Bangladeshis have been detained in these raids from January this year to June 3. Malaysian Immigration Department head Datuk Khairul Dazaimi gave this information to local journalists.

It should be noted that on May 27, the country's home minister himself took part in an operation and made a strong promise to arrest illegal immigrants. Among these detained immigrants, 5 thousand 272 are Bangladeshis. However, the exact news of how many Bangladeshis are detained in the jail has not been reported.

The recent visit of the State Minister for Expatriate Welfare of Bangladesh to Malaysia showed some hope among illegal Bangladeshi expatriate workers, but in reality, the Malaysian Immigration Department is in a strong position to arrest illegal workers.

Among these detainees are 8 thousand 6 from Indonesia, 2 thousand 327 from Myanmar, 2 thousand 22 from the Philippines, 1 thousand 272 from Thailand, 1 thousand 229 from India, 794 from Vietnam, 775 from Pakistan. The rest are citizens of different countries. The Malaysian government has given illegal foreign workers the opportunity to legalize many times, but many of them have not obtained legalization due to fraud.

Meanwhile, Malaysia's human resource minister said that not new workers but those who were in the country in the past will have the opportunity to come to the previous company if the owner wants.

Before the opening of the new labor market, the affected expatriates are seeking the opportunity of legalization of the illegals and the foresight of the concerned to take the detained Bangladeshis back to the country without jail sentences.

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