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The famous Christian preacher accepted Islam!

Worldwide, the number of people accepting Islam is increasing day by day

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of people accepting Islam is increasing day by day worldwide. Famous Christian preacher Sue Watson has accepted Islam!

বিখ্যাত খ্রিস্টান ধর্ম প্রচারকের ইসলাম গ্রহণ! 1

Worldwide, the number of people accepting Islam is increasing day by day. From ordinary people to preachers and leaders of different religions, there are also in this list of those who took refuge in the path of truth. One of them is the famous Christian preacher Professor Sue Watson. She took the name Khadija Watson and returned to the enlightened life of Islam.

Professor Khadijah Watson was born in California in the United States, but she used to preach Christianity outside her country. His highest education and research is on theology.

Despite being a staunch Christian fundamentalist preacher, it was his higher education in theology that eventually led him to convert to Islam. Before converting to Islam, he spent 7 years in the Philippines preaching Christianity.

He is currently a teacher at Al-Hamra Education Foundation in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He is constantly learning Islam and devoting himself to research about Islam.

We wish all the best to Professor Khadija Watson who accepted Islam.

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