The Dhaka Times Desk Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri Khan The couple has been the subject of much controversy and criticism for their newly born third child through Siddhant's surrogacy. They named their third child Abram. Their third child is their own home in manna He organized a house party to welcome him and also made a clear statement about Abram.
In the news, last Tuesday, King Khan opened his mouth about all the rumors and controversies about his newborn son Abram. However, in this regard, it was heard that a new member is going to come to Shah Rukh's family and that is not through Gauri Khan's womb but through surrogacy. "Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan will give birth to a child artificially" in the Dhaka Times earlier in this regard. The related news is published.
King Khan, however, was rumored to have tried to find out the gender of his child before the birth, and another report to find out about it. Shahrukh Khan is in trouble for determining the gender of his child before birth. You can also keep an eye on it. However, he said in the press release that the gender of the child was not determined before birth. Asked about the reason for the delay in releasing this information, King Khan said that he was somewhat silent on the matter because their third child was pre-mature, a bit weak due to health reasons and because of that both Gauri and him were very worried. That's why they didn't say anything about it.
It is also known that Shah Rukh Khan was silent in this matter for the sake of the privacy of the family members. But the misstep of some media houses has put his family in an embarrassing situation in his name. She denied the allegations brought against her and thanked the doctors and nurses of the hospital where her child was born, whose efforts made her child healthy, and expressed regret for facing unwanted questions from the media. Out of shame, he did not give any more information about Abram to the family. He did not even confirm whether the third child is a boy or a girl.
When a letter was sent to Shah Rukh Khan from the Mumbai Municipal Office, his personal assistant Karuna Badowal replied to the letter giving details about it. Once all the verification process is over, they will give their opinion on the controversy surrounding Shahrukh's child and his gender determination.
It should be noted that Shahrukh and Gauri's third child, Abram, was born on May 27 at Masrani Hospital in Andheri, Mumbai, under the supervision of Dr. Jatin Shah.
Reference: Times of India, Indian Express