The Dhaka Times
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The month of Ramadan began with the message of mercy, forgiveness and salvation

The Dhaka Times Desk Once again, the holy month of Ramadan has appeared before us with the message of mercy, forgiveness and deliverance from hell. This month is a guide of liberation for Muslims all over the world through the practice of fasting.


Today is the first Ramadan. This month of Ramadan changes the rule of eleven months. It is possible to gain closeness to Almighty God through fasting in this holy month. In this holy month, people can refrain from all kinds of injustice and oppression including violence and violence. And so this month is called the month of fasting. The holy month of Ramadan has taught that the eyes, ears, hands and mouth of the people should be safe and fast for the welfare of the people. By fasting for a month, devout Muslims will attain the ultimate good of the hereafter. You will get endless blessings in the world.

Ending the fast by eating Sehri early in the morning and abstaining from food and drink throughout the day and breaking the fast at Maghrib Adhan is of particular significance. Taraweeh prayer at night creates a joyful atmosphere for Muslims. At the time of Iftari, having Iftari with the whole family by arranging different types of Iftari carries this special message.

The great Rabbul Alamit has divided this month of Ramadan into three parts. The first 10 days are mercy. Second 10 days of forgiveness and third 10 days of deliverance from hell. Allah says, any good deed you do in this month will be rewarded 70 times more than any other time. Through this, the great Rabbul Alamin has given this message to the world that this month is a month of mercy. In this month, the servant can benefit a lot in this world and in the hereafter through good deeds.

Our hope is that we will all try to get close to the great Rabbul Alamin in this holy month. May the great Rabbul Alamin grant us that Tawfik - Amen.

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