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10 foods that should be avoided for sleep!

The Dhaka Times Desk Insomnia is like a nightmare for people. There is no substitute for good sleep for physical and mental well-being. The most important thing is to know what foods to avoid before going to sleep and avoid them, here are 10 such foods.


1. Ice cream: Avoid eating sugary foods such as ice cream before going to sleep for better sleep. Sugar increases a person's energy level and as well, too much sugar is converted to fat. So consuming ice cream before bed for sound sleep is bad for both insomniacs and health conscious.

2. Black chocolate: Foods like chocolate contain caffeine and theobromine. These two substances are chemicals that stimulate the nervous system, making it less likely to fall asleep at night. So those who are used to eating this type of chocolate or milk chocolate at night, it is better to abandon this habit for sleep at night.


3. Pasta: Although pasta is beautiful and a favorite food for foodies, it raises blood sugar levels. Excess blood sugar is responsible for insomnia so pasta should be avoided at night for sound sleep.

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4. Pizza: Eating pizza regularly causes problems in the digestive system and tomato sauce taken with pizza causes stomach acid which can cause us insomnia. So it is better not to eat pizza at night.


5. Candy bar: According to a study, when candy bars are consumed before bed, their high sugar levels can cause a type of vibration in our brain that gives us nightmares and disrupts sleep due to nightmares. Avoiding the tendency of many of us to eat candy bars before bed is a good idea if we want to get a good night's sleep.


6. Cereals: Not all grains Some grains can raise blood sugar levels, which is a cause of insomnia as mentioned earlier. So you should avoid snacking on whole grains before going to bed at night.


7. Garlic: Although garlic is very beneficial for our heart. However, those with acidity should not consume garlic-rich foods at night as one would want to disrupt their night's sleep due to acidity problems.


8. Celery: Celery is a diuretic vegetable. It pushes the flow of water inside our body thereby increasing our urinary excretion rate. So it is wise to eat this vegetable during the day but not before going to bed for good sleep.

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9. Alcohol: It is believed that drinking alcohol at night can cure insomnia. In fact, this is a misconception, as long as alcohol acts on the body, sleep can be good, but once the intoxication wears off, sleep will not come again. So alcohol should not be consumed before going to bed at night.


10. Red meat: Red meat is rich in iron and tryptophan, which induce sleepiness, but it is also rich in fat and protein, which disrupt sleep due to digestion. Due to this reverse religion we should take the right decision which is not to take this food before going to sleep.


People suffer both physically and mentally due to insomnia. So along with taking nutritious food, the above mentioned foods must be avoided and must also make it a habit to eat two hours before going to bed.

Reference: Man's XP

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