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Sleep will tell if you are healthy!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have no idea about health. Because we don't calculate anything. But this time sleep will tell if you are healthy.

আপনি সুস্থ কিনা তা ঘুমই বলে দেবে! 1

As much as we worry about diet and gym to take care of our health or keep good health, we neglect sleep. But experts give the most importance to sleep to stay healthy. Experts say that just as good sleep keeps us healthy, it also boosts our performance.

Especially those whose work shifts change in the office, sleep is disturbed in various ways. However, experts say that the primary condition for fast sleep is to adhere to a specific bedtime.

Now the question is how do you know if you are getting enough sleep? If you fall asleep within 30 minutes of going to bed and don't wake up more than once during the night, you have a good and healthy sleeping habit.

A report published by the United States' National Sleep Foundation (NSF) says that if you sleep continuously for 851 TP3T as long as you lie in bed and if you can fall asleep again within 20 minutes after waking up in the middle of the night, then sleep will have a good effect on your health.

And what problems can be caused by lack of sleep, according to the researchers, if there is lack of sleep, it can cause problems such as loss of mood, heart problems, fatigue, obesity and even sudden weakness.

According to NSF's latest Sleep Health Index, 27 percent of people around the world take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep after going to bed. So the problem of sleep disorder is increasing.

Why is the current generation suffering from so much sleep disorder? Experts said that the main reason for this is excessive stress and technology dependence. However, experts have asked to take the help of technology to check their sleep quality.

US researchers have developed a sleep technology device to solve this problem. If this gadget is worn or placed on the bedside table during sleep, then this gadget will tell you how long you slept, how long you were in deep sleep, how long you were in light sleep, how many times you woke up and how long it took you to fall asleep again. The results of this study were recently published in the journal Sleep Health. Source: Anandabazar

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