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Scientists find the world's largest animal!

This blue whale is equal to 21 African elephants and 25 Asian elephants and is about 1.5 million years old.

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists claim to have recovered the largest animal fossil in history. Recently, a huge fossil was recovered from the side of San Giuliana Lake in Italy. The fossil is a blue whale.

পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় প্রাণীর সন্ধান বিজ্ঞানীদের! 1

According to media reports, after examining the fossil's skeleton, scientists estimate that the creature was 85 feet long and weighed between 130 and 150 tons. That is, this blue whale is equal to 21 African elephants and 25 Asian elephants, which is about 1 million 50 thousand years old!

This is the largest fossil found so far. Even the blue whales that are commonly seen today are the baby equivalents of it.

A few years ago, while farming on the shores of that lake in Italy, a farmer first saw a large spinal bone. After receiving the news, the Italian scientist Giovanni Bianucci with his team members recovered the spinal bone. It took archaeologists 2 years to excavate the entire skeleton.

According to scientists, the 'Ice Age' brought the fossils of this blue whale to this place. The Ice Age began about 2.6 million years ago and lasted until 11,700 years ago.

At that time, most of the water bodies turned into ice. Due to which the whales died due to the lowering of the sea level. However, researchers say, more research may reveal more information.

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