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Cars are disappearing from the bridge to the river! [video]

The net world is in a frenzy after seeing such a video

The Dhaka Times Desk Optical illusions are very popular on social media. It is also very popular. But recently an illusion went viral on social media.

ব্রিজ থেকে নদীতে গায়েব হচ্ছে গাড়িগুলো! [ভিডিও] 1

In the video posted on social media, it can be seen that the cars are jumping into the river as they go over the bridge. But then they are nowhere to be seen. So where are those cars going?

The net world is in a frenzy after seeing such a video. The 23-second video was posted by a blogger named Daniel. This video was posted on his microblogging website.

"You're watching right," Daniel said of the video. Cars and Hondas are disappearing one by one.

However, jokes have already been made about such videos on social media. Someone compared it to the Bermuda Triangle!

Many people say that from this place the traffic may be diverting to another road.

But many have caught the real thing. They said that although it looks like a bridge, it is actually not a bridge but a road. And the 'river' is the roof of the parking lot!

Watch the video

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