The Dhaka Times
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In China, Muslim children are accused of being forcibly separated from their families and religious beliefs

At least 400 children have gone missing from one city alone

The Dhaka Times Desk There have been allegations of Muslim children being forcibly separated from their families and religious beliefs in China. A new study has revealed such terrible information.

চীনে মুসলিম শিশুদের জোরপূর্বক পরিবার ও ধর্মীয় বিশ্বাস হতে বিচ্ছিন্ন করার অভিযোগ 1

Hundreds of thousands of Uyghur Muslim children have been allegedly forcibly separated from their families, religious beliefs and the use of their own language in Xinjiang, China. Many of whom were removed from their families 2/3 years ago. A new study has revealed many alarming facts.

According to media reports, at least 400 children have gone missing from just one city. 3/4 children from the same family are also in this missing list. Many of them have parents in detention camps or prisons. Foreign journalists are kept under 24-hour surveillance in Xinjiang, China.

60 relatives and hundreds of children who fled to Turkey have described the cruel fate to the BBC. Last year, human rights groups alleged that nearly one million Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang were being held captive and forced to renounce their religious beliefs.

However, the Chinese government denied the allegations and claimed that they were being recruited for technical training.

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