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Iranian model Negzia is running away after posting indecent pictures

Iran is a conservative country. The rules of Islam are properly observed in the country

The Dhaka Times Desk After posting indecent pictures, Iranian model Negzia is finally fleeing in the face of cannons. He sometimes sleeps on the street and park bench!

অশালীন ছবি পোস্ট করে পালিয়ে বেড়াচ্ছেন ইরানের মডেল নেগজিয়া 1

After posting indecent pictures, Iranian model Negzia is finally fleeing in the face of cannons. He sometimes sleeps on the street and park bench!

We all know Iran is a conservative country. The rules of Islam are properly observed in the country. It is compulsory for women to wear hijab. Nudity of any kind is never tolerated in Iran. Women who do not wear hijab are prosecuted according to conventional laws. Negzia, a 29-year-old model from Iran, defied strict state orders and posted indecent pictures of herself. He is not good at fleeing the country and moving to Paris. This information was provided by The Sun UK.

It is known that the country's model Negjia was forced to leave the country in this incident. He was recently spotted in Paris. The pictures posted by him were taken in 2017. From then on he fell under the fire of the Revolutionary Guards. Her picture was termed as obscene and vulgar. So he was forced to flee to Turkey for fear of being jailed. From there he went to Paris. He sought asylum in Paris last November.

There he has to have a great struggle with life. Homeless Negzia sometimes sleeps on the street and sometimes on a park bench. He sold a bag with clothes for only 10 euros to satisfy the hunger of the stomach! Despite all this, Negzia does not regret his actions at all. He said, I am a proud woman. I got out of there. I broke those laws.

It should be noted that Negzian came under fire after a photographer handed over some indecent pictures to the police. He fears that this could lead to severe punishment for violating Sharia law, which is strictly followed in Iran. So he was forced to leave the country to avoid punishment for his misdeeds. However, his days have not changed even after leaving the country; Rather, life has become more and more difficult. He faced reality.

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