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What are the UFOs in the sky?

World UFO Day has also been celebrated this year. Many things have come up this UFO Day

Alien UFO saucer

The Dhaka Times Desk The World UFO Day is also celebrated on July 2 every year to emphasize the claim of UFOs coming to earth. What are the UFOs in the sky?

পৃথিবীর আকাশে কী ইউএফও ঘোরাফেরা করছে? 1

World UFO Day has also been celebrated this year. Many things have come up this UFO Day. In 2001, the day was started as a holiday by U.S.-based UFO seeker Hackten Ekdogan, and the day is now celebrated around the world as World UFO Day. What are aliens in aliens? There is no end to people's curiosity about aliens or UFOs. There are many questions. A video released in October 2017 further activated the issue. Experts were shaken after seeing the CCTV footage of Yellowstone National Park.

It is believed that a UFO hovered over the area. The video shows smoke billowing over a super volcano. In it, a strip of white light is running in the sky. It goes from one end to the other as if in an instant. Which is by no means an airplane or a drone. However, the US media Fox News claimed at that time that it was the video of June 9. At that time it was uploaded to YouTube.

Note that research on aliens has been going on for many years. Such sightings flying in the sky several times are assumed to be alien vehicles or UFOs. But no clear idea has been found so far. But last year on November 13, a pilot was flying in the sky of Ireland. One of them saw a terrifyingly fast 'vehicle', which was faster than the speed of sound and faster than a supersonic aircraft, spreading a beam of intense light across the sky.

In their words, such a 'vehicle' they had never seen before. In scientific terms it is called 'Unidentified Flying Object' (UFO). According to various media reports, at least 4 pilots saw the strange object while flying over the area. In this incident, the government has already started investigating the matter. Scientists are not sitting with the government to reveal the correct information about this incident. It is said that all 4 pilots saw the entire sky lit up by the tremendous speed and intense light.

A pilot of a Montreal-to-London plane belonging to a private company said, 'First we saw a huge flash of light on the side of our plane. In a moment it disappeared again.' Another pilot said, 'The speed was faster than a supersonic aircraft. The light was so strong that no such light could be seen.' In an interview with the Guardian, University of Illinois professor and space scientist Richard Coelho said, 'I think there are aliens. Because there is enough evidence. But the time has not yet come to say the matter conclusively. Because in the further development of civilization, ordinary people will realize that there is actually 'something' on aliens!'

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