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Musharraf Kareem's Eid play 'Sayyak Baki Khor'

Actor Musharraf Karim always plays different roles

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a rush to make plays for the upcoming Eid al-Adha. Many plays have already been completed. Mosharraf Karim's Eid drama 'Sayyak Baki Khor'.

মোশাররফ করিমের ঈদের নাটক ‘সেই রকম বাকি খোর’ 1

Actor Musharraf Karim always plays different roles. He always makes a difference in acting. His presence is also enjoyed by the audience. He also presents himself in such a way that one character does not match the other.

And here is the special feature of this actor. His acting like 'Sey rakam Cha Khor', 'Sey rakam Jhal Khor', 'Sey rakam Paan Khor', 'Sey rakam Ghush Khor', 'Sey rakam Kachhi Khor' have been very popular in the past.

Musharraf Karim also acted in the title role in these dramas. This time, keeping in mind the popularity of the audience, the sequel drama 'Sei Kark Baki Khor' has been made again.

Like the previous dramas, this drama is written by Ashraful Chanchal and directed by Maruf Mithu. Musharraf Karim's character in this play is Ishaq. This boy eats leftovers like an addict everywhere.

Starting from the wedding dowry, he kept the balance for the rickshaw fare. Creates a situation that ultimately leaves him with no choice but to leave. The play 'Sayyak Bagi Khor' is based on such a story.

মোশাররফ করিমের ঈদের নাটক ‘সেই রকম বাকি খোর’ 2

Musharraf Karim said about acting in the drama 'Sei Kark Baki Khor', 'The story of the drama is such that the audience will get a lot of joy when they watch it.' He said that the play has been produced for the upcoming Eid al-Adha.

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