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How to get land registration online

French scientist Edmond Ganta invented a type of chain made of steel to make land measurement accurate and simple

The Dhaka Times Desk We all have to bear the problem of land accounting in Bangladesh. And so we can get the correct information of the land very easily on the internet by eliminating various problems.

অনলাইনে যেভাবে পাবেন জমির খতিয়ান 1

French scientist Edmond Ganta invented a type of chain made of steel to make land measurement accurate and simple. Later, this chain was named Ganta chain according to his name. Land survey is done by Ganta chain in Bangladesh. And this Gunter chain survey is a very popular method in our country.

We have to go through a lot of trouble to collect the copy of this land deed. With the end of that, now it is possible to collect copy of land certificate online in just five minutes.

With the support and implementation of Prime Minister's Office's A2I project, we can collect copies of specific land deeds online in a very short time through or or or mobile app.

Any citizen of our country can now easily collect various information of any land that he wants to purchase or private from anywhere through online.

Besides, this online system has the facility of online application for certified copy of Khatian, tracking of application settlement and monitoring by authorities. By which the land related sufferings of our country's citizens will be reduced in many cases. In our digital system, anyone will have the opportunity to view their land information at any digital center or from any part of the world. To collect Khatian online, you need to follow certain rules. For collection of khatian, the prescribed division, district, upazila and mauza should be selected. Khatian can be searched by khatian number or spot number or owner name or father or husband's name which is an easy process to find your khatian. To get a copy of khatian online you need to provide information such as citizen's name, identity card number (if applicable) and phone number. After giving the prescribed information you have to pay the prescribed fee which has to be paid through mobile banking or online banking. Online copy can be collected very easily after payment of fee. Online copy should be printed directly in case of collection of copy. After that, the customer has to collect the prescribed certified copy. In case of obtaining the certified copy, after providing the citizen's information during the application, the fee for the verification must be paid through mobile banking or online banking. After paying the fee, apply online for the certified copy with name, national identity card, e-mail, mobile number, transaction ID and postal contact address. Then the certified copy of RS Khatian will be provided within specified days by post from the concerned district office or to the expected address of the applicant.
In our developing and progressive Bangladesh, there is a touch of modernization in all areas which is noticeable to all of us.

Lands Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury Jabed inaugurated RS Khatian online decentralization program at the Secretariat on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 under the slogan 'Hater Muthoi Khatian'.

There are about 61 thousand 500 mauzas in the country except the 3 hilly districts of Bangladesh. Among them, 41,000 Mauza surveys have been completed, out of which 1 crore 46 lakh rs. (Khatyans prepared in the ongoing survey since 1965) published in the survey of about 32,000 Mauzas have been provided an opportunity to get Khatian information online. With the blessing of this online system, our land registration and data collection will be more convenient than the common citizen's land related suffering will be reduced.

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