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Printed textbooks are going up!

Pearson, the world's largest publisher of textbooks, now offers all its educational books in digital format only.

The Dhaka Times Desk Due to technology, the days of printing seem to be coming to an end. Everything seems to be becoming online now. Pearson, the world's largest textbook publisher, has decided to phase out textbook printing!

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According to a news of BBC Bengal, Pearson, the world's largest publisher of textbooks, will now be available only in digital format.

Pearson also said that students will now only be able to borrow printed textbooks. New editions of these books will not come out as frequently as before.

Pearson wants students to use more of the e-text books they publish. These e-textbooks will be updated all the time.

Pearson head John Fallon said that more than half of their total sales come from digital. So they decided to go the same way as newspaper, music or broadcasting industry. Most of their educational content is currently available in digital form.

It is reported that 20 percent of Pearson's total revenue comes from the sale of course materials in the United States. However, in recent times, students are borrowing old textbooks rather than buying new textbooks to save costs.

To stop this, Pearson decided not to issue new editions of their printed textbooks. Pearson previously released new editions of their textbooks every three years.

Pearson head John Fallon also said, "We may continue to use printed text books for a while, but the role of printed books in education is gradually becoming limited."

He also said that we learn many new things through discussion and exchange of experiences with others. A digital environment is much more effective in this regard. Digital textbooks can be updated continuously and very easily, have videos and even provide assessments of how students are doing.

However, there are concerns that textbook authors will suffer as digital textbooks are regularly purchased through subscriptions. As has happened in the lives of artists since the launch of music streaming services.

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