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Race with his wife on his neck!

The Dhaka Times Desk The scene of running with the wife on her neck is not often seen. In Finland, the wife-on-shoulder race was held.

Wife, Racing Contests

According to online news media sources, 40 couples from 7 countries participated in this parallel competition. Many say it jokingly, this competition is for convenience to steal a wife! News from The Telegraph.

This year the competition was won by the host Finland's Taast Mittinen and Kristina Happanen. They have been winning this competition for the last four years. There are also different methods of carrying a wife. And the most popular method in this case is the 'Estonian' method. According to this method, the wife's legs are tied to her neck and her head is hung from behind.

Taast Mittinen, the winner of the competition, said that he also took some training for this. A distance of 253.5 meters has to be covered in this race. Source: Online

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