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50 years old letter found in the bottle!

Sometimes such letters surprise us

The Dhaka Times Desk A 50-year-old letter written by a British man named Paul Gilmour was recently found on the coast of southern Australia. There is a lot of fuss about that letter!

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Sometimes such letters surprise us. The letters seem to be historical. So people's interest in those letters is endless. A 50-year-old letter written by a British man named Paul Gilmour was recently found on the coast of southern Australia. There is a lot of fuss about that letter!

Australian media outlet ABC Radio said the bottle was found by Paul Elliott and his son Jiha while fishing off the Airy Peninsula.

According to the letter, Gilmour wrote it when he was 13 years old while sailing from Fremantle to Melbourne. The handwritten letter is dated November 17, 1969.

Kishore Gilmore mentioned in the letter that he was staying on the Fairstar ship. This ship carried many British immigrants to Australia in the 60s. The letter said that anyone who found the bottle should contact him in Melbourne.

ABC also said they have contacted Gilmore's family. Gilmour could not be reached as he was away on another cruise.

His sister Annie Crosland gushed about the incident, saying: 'It's really unbelievable. He (Gilmore) will be overjoyed.'

Crosland was on board the ship with Gilmore on the day that letter was written. Recalling the events of that time, he said that Gilmour had poured letters into 6 bottles in total.

Gilmore's brother David said the letter was written in his brother's handwriting. How young he was then!'

Gilmore's family lived in Australia until 1973. Then they returned to England.

Note that the oldest known case of a letter floating in a bottle is 132 years ago. An Australian woman named Tonya Illman found the letter on Wedge Island. The letter, written on June 12, 1886, is now preserved in the Museum of Western Australia.

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