The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays various videos become viral due to the dominance of social media. One such video has gone viral. And that is the terrible video of the plane landing! You will also understand how terrible the video is.
Tourists are enjoying the view along the beach. Suddenly a plane approaches for landing. But it sped off, passing only a few feet over the tourists' heads. A number of tourists also fell due to strong winds.
Recently, the video of this plane landing with thorns on the body has been published on social media. Netizens are shocked to see such a scene. After the video of this landing was uploaded, the video went viral. Millions of people have already seen the video. Thousands of netizens also commented. Such a terrible incident happened in Greece, Skiathos Airport.
It is known that the Embraer E190 plane came to land on the runway. But before long, the plane suddenly went down. Flying fast over the beach right next to the airport. Seeing this scene, the tourists on the beach got scared and fell down. Many fell in the air of the plane.
Skiathos Airport is famous for landing a little lower than usual. This airport is located right next to the beach. And so tourists are often seen busy taking selfies with planes flying very close. However, many tourists get scared because they are too busy at times.