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Google has removed 7 apps from Play Store

Even if these apps are removed from the play store, the danger is not going away for the netizens

The Dhaka Times Desk 7 apps have been removed from Google Play Store due to surveillance. Originally, the apps were said to be used for child protection or tracking stolen phones, but in reality, they were used to monitor employees or partners.

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According to media reports, these apps used to target the location, contact list and even SMS and call history of the concerned person as a means of surveillance.

Mobile security and anti-virus company Avast says that behind every app is a Russian developer. Moreover, after identifying these anti-virus apps as dangerous, Google decided to remove these 7 apps from the Play Store.

Even if these apps are removed from the play store, the danger is not going away for the netizens. These apps have already been installed 130 thousand times by many internet users all over the world. Both Spy Tracker and SMS Tracker apps have been downloaded more than 50,000 times.

In this regard, an official of the anti-virus company Avast told reporters that these apps should not be placed on a widely used site like the Play Store as these apps are unethical and problematic in terms of personal privacy.

After receiving complaints about these issues, the Google authorities were shaken. This US company identified 7 apps and finally removed them.

It is known that through the apps, various personal information was easily obtained from the customer's Gmail password. Although the apps are simple, it is important for the users to become more aware when it comes to internet usage, it has been claimed by various internet security experts.

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