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Nadia became a millionaire by writing cookbooks

After the success of the BBC TV cooking competition, he did not stop. The cakes made by him were also used in the house of the Queen of Britain

The Dhaka Times Desk Nadia Hussain, a Bangladeshi-origin cook on BBC television, became the first to create a world-wide response. That Nadia has become a millionaire by writing a cookbook!

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After success in a BBC TV cooking competition, he didn't stop there. The cakes made by him were also used in the house of the Queen of Britain. His advice and presence at various culinary events was truly enticing. Then Nadia became a millionaire by writing books and appearing in various TV programs.

For Nadia, cooking is a culture and an artistic matter. By studying and practicing, Nadia prepared new dishes. But in the beginning, he had to do a lot of work to save the gas bill. 34-year-old Nadia's 10 cookbooks are currently selling like hotcakes in countries other than Britain. As 'Bake of Winner', these books of Nadia are very important even to the best cooks. His cooking process is also taken seriously in many five star hotels. He also personally organizes many events with cooking. Moreover, people come to him to learn how to make new items.

Now Nadia J. Hussain Lee: has become an army institution of cooking in Britain. Talking about the year 2017, Nadia's company earned 1 lakh 83 thousand pounds, then it seems that Nadia did not understand when it exceeded 3 lakh 25 thousand pounds. Nadia has paid 1 lakh 20 thousand pounds in income tax in the last 2 years. At the same time his income exceeded 1 million pounds!
Nadia's cooking can be easily replicated by others. People are eagerly waiting to watch Nadia's British Food Adventure, Nadia's Family Favorites and Time to Eat Which on BBC Two.

Nadia is a mother of three children. About her cooking debut, Nadia said, “When I was 7 or 8 years old, I tried cooking because I wanted to eat potatoes. That effort continues to this day. From then till now Kanay Kanay has become a varied experience. But Nadia had to endure a lot of racist behavior in her school life when she was only 11 years old. Besides cooking, Nadia is also doing a TV show called 'Nadia: Duschinta Aam' on how to deal with racist behavior. Thus he moves forward only forward.

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