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3 people claimed the paternity of the newborn baby!

Recently, such a strange incident has started in Kolkata, West Bengal

The Dhaka Times Desk First, a young man admitted the pregnant woman to the hospital by introducing himself as her husband. But after the birth of the baby, three people came and demanded the father! So who is the father of that child?

সদ্যোজাত শিশুর পিতৃত্বের দাবি করলেন ৩ জন! 1

After the birth of the child, the hospital staff and doctors naturally assumed that the young man was the father because he admitted himself as his husband. But soon after one day, another person came and claimed the paternity of the newborn child.

When the hospital authorities were in trouble with this matter, another young man came and claimed that he is the father of the child! Hospital authorities are struggling with three fathers who came in three days. They finally approached the police.

Recently, such a strange incident has started in Kolkata, West Bengal. The incident started last Saturday. A young man named Dipankar Pal admitted the child named Swapna Mitra as his wife to a famous private hospital in Ganguli Bagan. Childbirth The woman gave birth to a girl child the next day i.e. Sunday. The woman was accompanied by an elder who identified herself as Swapna's mother.

According to police sources, everything was fine until the birth of the child. However, on Sunday afternoon, another young man suddenly came to the hospital and wanted to see the newborn. When the hospital authorities asked about his identity, he also identified himself as the child's father. The hospital staff were shocked to hear. They did not let the young man in and finally informed the police. Besides, two security guards of the hospital were deployed in front of the woman's cabin after seeing the danger of rioting.

The police came and wanted to know the identity of the two youths. According to police sources, the youth who came later introduced himself to the police as Harsh Kshetri. He said that his house is in Newtown. The first person i.e. Dipankar also showed his marriage papers before the police.

On the other hand, the second person also told the police that he too can show the marriage certificate. But the woman's role has caused the most mystery.

According to hospital sources, the woman's baby was born after surgery. Even when the woman is questioned about the father of the child, there is a lot of confusion about her statement. The police are yet to question the patient considering his physical condition. Even the old woman who identified herself as the woman's mother could not shed any light on the whole mystery.

A third young man has already added to the mystery. According to hospital sources, another person named Pradeep Roy came to the hospital on Monday afternoon. He also claimed to be the father of the baby girl. All in all, the hospital authorities are in a lot of pain.

According to police sources, the three claimants appeared to be financially sound individuals. The police have started an investigation into the matter to find out whether there is any other mystery behind the three people appearing at the hospital on the claim of the baby girl.

DC (South Suburban) Sudeep Sarkar told media that a person named Harsh Kshetri filed a complaint against two persons named Dipankar Pal and Pradeep Roy. His statement is that those two claimed the paternity of his child by showing fake documents. But the investigators think that the key to the whole mystery lies with the child's mother. It will not be clear who the real father of the child is until he is interrogated.

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