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Ivanka offered to help empower women in Pakistan

This will increase the number of Pakistani women employed

The Dhaka Times Desk US President Donald Trump's adviser and his daughter Ivanka Trump have offered support for women's empowerment in Pakistan.

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Adviser to US President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump offered to help empower women in Pakistan.

Ivanka has expressed interest in running various projects for the development of women in the South Asian country. Such information was found in the news of the Express Tribune.

Ivanka made such a proposal in a meeting with Syed Zulfikar Abbas Bukhari, Pakistani expatriate and Special Assistant on Human Resource Development to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Donald Trump's daughter said it will increase the number of Pakistani women employed. Vocational training will be arranged for them. Also, special support will be given to the economic development of women. Ivanka also said that the United States and Pakistan will work together on various issues in the meeting.

Expressing hope in this regard, Zulfikar said that within the next few months, Pakistan and the United States will achieve greater success on the diplomatic front.

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