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Brazil prison 'riot': At least 50 dead

Such casualties occurred due to conflict between the two sides

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 50 people have reportedly died in a prison riot in Brazil. According to media reports, two officers were taken hostage and set on fire inside the prison.

ব্রাজিলে কারাগারে ‘দাঙ্গা’: অন্তত ৫০ জনের মৃত্যু 1

At least 50 people have reportedly died in a prison riot in Brazil. According to media reports, two officers were taken hostage and set on fire inside the prison. The riot happened in Altamira prison in Brazil.

Quoting local media, the BBC reported that such casualties occurred due to conflict between the two sides. After this incident, the prison authorities said in a press conference that the two officers were taken hostage and set on fire inside the prison. Many prisoners died of suffocation due to this. Besides, 16 people were cut into pieces.

It should be noted that earlier in May of this year, at least 40 people were killed in 'riots' in 4 different prisons in Manaus, Amazonas state of the country.

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