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At the time of the funeral, the imam died when he saw the body sitting up!

In such an amazing event shocked the net world!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is truly an amazing event. Although we sometimes see such news i.e. news of dead bodies coming alive. But this time, the exception is that the imam died when he saw the body sitting up at the time of funeral!

জানাযার মুহূর্তে লাশ উঠে বসা দেখে ইমামের মৃত্যু! 1

The body has been brought for funeral. Everything is fine, but suddenly something goes wrong. When the body sat up! Incidents of the dead being resurrected moments before burial have been reported in various parts of the world before. However, this incident in Saudi Arabia is actually a shocking incident. During the funeral prayer, the dead body sat up. And after seeing such a scene, the imam sahib who came to bury the dead fell to his death!

According to a website called 'Life In' in Saudi Arabia, a person was declared dead during treatment in the hospital. But he may not have died at that time. Doctors declared him dead because his breathing was slow. The man was breathing so slowly that doctors not only declared him dead but also issued a death certificate.

Then naturally the funeral arrangements for the dead person are completed. The imam came and prepared for the funeral. That's when the problem happened. During the funeral, the body moved and sat down!

The imam who was present suffered a heart attack after seeing this scene. He died on the way to the hospital.


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