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China's warning to the United States

He said these words when US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in Thailand and is scheduled to meet with Wang Yi.

The Dhaka Times Desk China has warned the United States and several countries outside Asia not to try to escalate old disputes in the South China Sea.

মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রকে চীনের হুঁশিয়ারি 1

Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi said after a meeting in Thailand's capital Bangkok that China and ASEAN members have made satisfactory progress on the South China Sea Code of Conduct, according to media reports. This desired achievement makes it clear that the countries of the region will jointly fix everything in the South China Sea and maintain peace as well.

The Chinese foreign minister also said that his country is strongly opposed to any other country's interference in the region. He added that there are also wide differences between China and other ASEAN members. Countries outside the region should not develop such ideas as in the past.

It should be noted that he said these words when US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in Thailand and Wang Yi is scheduled to meet with him.

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