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Information about marriage in Saudi Arabia that we do not know

Saudi Arabia is a country that has a unique culture and tradition that is quite different from other countries

The Dhaka Times Desk If you do research or research, you will see that Saudi Arabia is actually an interesting country. There are strange cases in the country. Know the facts about marriage in Saudi Arabia that we don't know.

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Saudi Arabia is a country that has a unique culture and tradition that is quite different from other countries. The marriage culture of this ancient Middle Eastern country is also very different from other countries of the world. So if you attend a wedding ceremony in Saudi Arabia, your wedding experience will be enriched.

However, due to family customs and traditional reasons, marriage customs in Saudi Arabia differ from other marriages. Yet you will be surprised to learn about a typical Saudi wedding ceremony.

So without further ado, let's find out what are the fun and wonderful aspects of a typical Saudi wedding.

The wedding planning went on for months

A wedding in Saudi Arabia can never take place in a week or so. Saudis need at least 3 months to plan a wedding. But the surprising thing is that the event, which was planned for months, ended in just a few hours. Especially with a ladies party, where the bride sits idly by and receives lots of wishes from everyone!

Important matters on invitees

The second interesting thing about weddings in Saudi Arabia is that in Saudi weddings, the invitees have an important note on the invited guests, which is read out before leaving the wedding ceremony. It clearly mentions the number of guests invited to the wedding ceremony and the ban on children, cellphones and taking pictures on the occasion must be given in that note!

Not all Saudi marriages are expensive

There is a common perception about Saudi Arabia that all weddings in the country are lavish, extravagant. Although this is true to a large extent, there are also a number of ordinary weddings held there. Those weddings are held in hotels or homes with simple decorations and a small number of guests.

Saudi wedding dance rules

If you really want to bring up dancing at a wedding, you must wait until the elders have left. You can dance or party only when the elders leave. You cannot dance in front of elders just to show respect.

wedding colors

In the past, Saudi weddings used to have a color theme where decisions had to be made on which color of dress to wear on which day. But recently almost every Saudi wedding is being held with a specific theme. It can be a Cinderella theme or a surprise theme. Which is strictly followed in the invitation cards to be decorated!

Huge amount of dowry

It is known that many men and women in Saudi Arabia are unable to get married for this reason. And that is - high level dowry. Dowry is a type of gift given to the wife at the time of marriage. It is heavily negotiated before the marriage takes place. That is why it is charged from 50 thousand to 5 lakh in Saudi Riyal.

The bride has to come alone to the wedding

Weddings in the Western world and in Asia often involve the bride walking or riding in a lap accompanied by several members of her family. But in Saudi Arabia the matter is completely different. The rule here is that the bride should come alone to the wedding ceremony.

white dress

Recently, Saudi brides have started choosing white dresses for their weddings. The country's traditional gold and red attire has now been replaced by white attire.

Mehndi's outfit has also changed

As we all know, a Saudi bride must have henna on her hands and feet. In the past, brides in the country used to apply henna on their palms and feet, which was a traditional design. But now Indian and Moroccan designs have taken over there. Which has brought variety in subtlety and fashion.

Traditional food served in pre-wedding party

In Saudi Arabia, some pre-wedding parties or events are held before the actual wedding day. The best part of these events is the serving of special traditional food called Mandi. This meal is served to everyone.

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