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The military museum is 92 feet under water!

These military vehicles are modeled after battle formations on a submerged coral reef in the Red Sea

The Dhaka Times Desk You may have seen or heard of many types of museums, but you may never have heard of one before. Now I heard about a military museum that is 92 feet under water!

সামরিক জাদুঘর পানির ৯২ ফুট নিচে! 1

A military museum has been established under the sea! Which is located 92 feet below the water. Jordan has unveiled a special museum of sunken tanks, armored vehicles and helicopters.

Recently, this military museum was inaugurated on the coast of the country's Aqaba city. This is the first underwater museum in the Middle East country.

According to a BBC report, these military vehicles are arranged in imitation of battle decorations on a submerged coral reef in the Red Sea. Local authorities hope it will give tourists a 'new kind' of museum experience.

সামরিক জাদুঘর পানির ৯২ ফুট নিচে! 2

According to media reports, the Special Economic Zone Authority of Aqaba has confirmed that all hazardous materials have been removed before sinking all the vehicles. Tourists can go to the museum by swimming underwater in a glass-bottomed boat, scuba diving and wearing a diving mask. From the looks of it, tourists will feel quite happy to visit this museum.

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