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Ways to lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure is often referred to as the silent killer

The Dhaka Times Desk When the blood pressure in the human body is higher than normal, we call it high blood pressure. So it is an important thing to control. Learn how to lower high blood pressure today.

উচ্চ রক্তচাপ কমানোর উপায় সমূহ 1

Many of us also know this as Hypertension. Many people call our high blood pressure or high blood pressure as the silent killer. High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the diseases that we are very familiar with. The risk of high blood pressure increases in our body due to work pressure, drinking alcohol, family size, excess noise, being in a noisy environment, excessive salt intake in the body, excess body fat or increased body fat. For our proper lifestyle we must keep ourselves away from the risk of high blood pressure. We can easily control high blood pressure by making some changes in our lifestyle. So let's know some simple rules to control high blood pressure.

Choosing the right food

Food plays a special role in our body in controlling high blood pressure. We must avoid excess oil. While taking food, we must make sure that our selected foods are low cholesterol foods. We should avoid excess oil in cooking. Regular consumption of flour bread and semolina food is very beneficial. We need to consume more fiber rich foods. Foods containing fiber help in our blood circulation. Oils like soybean, canola, corn oil or sunflower oil can be taken in the right amount.

Regular exercise

There is no match for regular exercise in controlling high blood pressure and preventing various diseases in our body. All of us should walk regularly in the morning or evening to control high blood pressure. In this case, if possible, running is more beneficial than walking. We should do light exercise regularly. We must take the advice of an expert in exercising. We have to avoid elevators and use stairs while moving home or office.


About 60% of hypertensive patients are affected by excess salt. Excessive salt intake affects our hypertension very quickly. Many of us consume raw salt or extra salt during meals which increases the sodium level in our body. Excess sodium intake causes high blood pressure which we can easily control with salt control.

Keep weight normal

We all should control our body weight. If our body weight increases from normal, then various diseases including high blood pressure can easily settle in the body. To lose excess body weight, we must exercise and follow a diet. Taking any weight loss medication can be dangerous. So one must consult a doctor while taking any weight loss medicine.


It goes without saying that there is no substitute for proper rest to keep the body healthy. Between all our activities, the body must rest. Recently in our busy life the amount of sleep seems to be diminishing day by day. Which can be dangerous for our body. Sleep is the biggest and main source of rest. So we all need to sleep regularly and in quantity.

Besides, we have to abstain from smoking, we have to stop ourselves from drinking alcohol. If anyone among us has diabetes then it should be kept under control. We all need to get regular high blood pressure checkups so that we can detect it early and be able to treat it at the right time.

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