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The story of a person who gave blood every week for 60 consecutive years!

James had a rare type of disease-fighting antibody in his blood and was given a life-saving injection called Anti-D

The Dhaka Times Desk Indeed, sometimes we see news that surprises us. Today's news is one such news. A man is living a healthy life even with blood every week for 60 consecutive years!

টানা ৬০ বছর প্রতি সপ্তাহে রক্ত দেওয়া এক ব্যক্তির গল্প! 1

Indeed, sometimes we see news that surprises us. Today's news is one such news. A man is living a healthy life even with blood every week for 60 consecutive years!

According to media reports, Australian citizen James Harrison has donated blood every week for 60 consecutive years. By donating blood, he has saved the precious lives of 2.4 million Australian children. He finished donating blood in 2018.

We all know the rule of giving blood every four months. But despite that rule, James saved so many children's lives by donating blood every week. And in recognition of this good work, the Australian government gave James Harrison the state's highest honor medal 'Medal of the Order of Australia'. This information is provided by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.

According to the Australian Medicines Agency, James had a rare type of anti-inflammatory antibody in his blood, which was used to make a life-saving injection called anti-D.

Basically, the risk of death of children is greatly reduced through this injection. James was originally brought back to life at the age of 14 with donated blood. Then he started donating blood regularly after attaining full age.

Thus, at one stage of blood donation, the doctor finds this precious element in his blood. Later doctors started using it by injection. That's why he started donating blood every week. This is how James Harrison gave blood for 60 consecutive years.

Doctors Falkenmir told the media that 17 out of every 100 women in Australia are at risk of having Rhesus negative blood. Anti D injection is the only hope in these cases. James Harrison's blood is extraordinary. Until last year, every batch of anti-D injections manufactured in Australia had been made from James Harrison's blood.

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