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Imran Khan called Modi a fascist, racist

Even after the meeting of the UN Security Council, the war of words has not stopped between New Delhi and Islamabad

The Dhaka Times Desk Even after the meeting of the UN Security Council, the war of words has not stopped between New Delhi and Islamabad. This time Imran Khan called Modi a fascist, a racist.

মোদিকে ফ্যাসিবাদি, বর্ণবাদী বললেন ইমরান খান 1

Even after the meeting of the UN Security Council, the war of words has not stopped between New Delhi and Islamabad. This time Imran Khan called Modi a fascist, a racist.

In a series of tweets, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan called Modi a fascist and a racist. Imran's claim is that India's nuclear weapons are not safe at all in the hands of the BJP government. The whole world needs to pay attention to this.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan has summoned the Deputy High Commissioner of India appointed in Islamabad in connection with the killing of two civilians on the Pakistani border.

For 14 days, the situation has been stagnant in the entire Kashmir region. Army patrols are on the way. News agencies reported that at least 4,000 people, including politicians, human rights activists, and teachers, were arrested in two weeks. Large scale protests have taken place in several cities, including the capital Srinagar, in the past few days despite tight security.

The government offices of Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir have opened from yesterday (August 19) within the curfew. Although some educational institutions are opened, there is no student attendance at all.

The local administration claims that the government institutions of Srinagar were opened on Monday after two weeks. Out of 900 schools in the valley, 196 have become functional. Although the teachers attended, the students were not present at all. The situation is expected to normalize gradually.

Kashmiris said that there is no mobile network. There are no cars on the road. No one can move freely. As if Kashmir is at a standstill.

Kashmiris said, 'Modi government is treating us like animals. There is not enough food, no medicine, no basic necessities. I can't even communicate with anyone. There is no way to even go to the mosque and pray.

Although the administration is saying bad things. They say that the land line is being launched gradually. But the internet will be launched only after the security is confirmed.

Jammu and Kashmir Planning Commission Principal Secretary Rohit Kansal said, 'People's life in Kashmir will gradually return to normal. Restrictions on movement have been largely relaxed. Communication system and landline will be fully operational in the entire area soon.'

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