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Soft drinks will be made with marijuana!

Coca-Cola in talks with local producer 'Aurora Cannabis' to produce cannabis-flavored soft drink

The Dhaka Times Desk Cannabis is a banned product in our country. However, in several countries of the world, this cannabis business is very busy. Not only that, but now this cannabis will make soft drinks!

কোমল পানীয় তৈরি হবে গাঁজা দিয়ে! 1

Cannabis is a banned product in our country. However, in several countries of the world, this cannabis business is very busy. Not only that, but now this cannabis will make soft drinks!

The price of cannabis is increasing day by day. Cannabis was first approved as a medicine in Canada, but has since been legalized for recreational use.

Not only that, Coca-Cola, a company known all over the world for making caffeine-based drinks, is currently thinking of making soft drinks with it.

According to a BBC report, Canada's BNN Bloomberg TV channel is in talks with Coca-Cola to produce a cannabis-flavored soft drink with local producer Aurora Cannabis. It has been said that the aim of the drink manufacturers is not to drug the customers, but to ease their physical pain! Last year there was a serious discussion about this issue.

Coca-Cola declined to comment, but said it was monitoring the market for cannabis-infused drinks.

Coca-Cola said it is monitoring the popularity of using non-psychoactive cannabidiol, or non-psychoactive cannabis, in its soft drinks.

Cannabidiol Cannabis, a component of marijuana, may be helpful in treating pain or seizures. Moreover, it has no stimulant effect.

কোমল পানীয় তৈরি হবে গাঁজা দিয়ে! 2

Following the example of some states in the United States, Canada announced last year that it would legalize the recreational use of marijuana across the country.

Cannabis has long been legalized for medical use in Canada. This decision led to the development of a large-scale cannabis industry in Canada.

It has been reported that Constellation Brands, the maker of the world-famous 'Corona' beer, has also invested $4 billion in cannabis producer Canopy Growth.

Coca-Cola and Aurora's partnership is expected to make Coke the first non-alcoholic beverage to enter the cannabis beverage market. However, it is not known at what stage it is at present.

It should be noted that in our country, cannabis is an addiction. That is why it is a banned product. There is always an effort to protect the youth from drug addicts. Cannabis is no exception.

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