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The people of the country who smell the smell and eat rotten meat!

Since the beginning of the financial crisis, the city's shopping malls and stores have started to close in Venezuela

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that meat is thrown away when it rots. But that's the smell of rotten meat to buy and eat! Is there even in such a country! Such is the case of Venezuela.

গন্ধ শুঁকে শুঁকে পচা মাংস কিনে খান যে দেশের মানুষ! 1

The people of Venezuela are crushed by extreme inflation. There is only crisis and crisis all around. On one hand there is lack of food, on the other hand there is no electricity. For almost 9 months, the meat in the refrigerator is also smelling rotten due to the frequent going and going of electricity. Due to the food shortage, the sellers are taking this meat to the market instead of throwing it away. Buyers are buying those rotten meat!

Not only that, before buying, buyers are sniffing and sniffing again! Trying to understand that, 'absolutely more rotten, or a little-half rotten! You can finally eat!'

According to news media, the residents of Maracaibo, the second largest city in Venezuela, are buying and selling rotten and smelly meat. Cow, goat and chicken meat is available cheaply as it is rotten.

The poor people of the country are returning home happy after buying these meats. The reason is that the good meat in the market is insufficient but 75 million bolivars per kilogram!

It is known that more than half of Venezuela's oil reserves come from the city of Maracaibo. Since the onset of economic recession, the city's shopping malls and shops have started to close down. This city of 1.5 lakh inhabitants has been experiencing severe power shortage for almost 9 months. It has become extreme in the last two months. Since August 10, the power supply line of the city has been completely destroyed.

Then Maracaibo people are plunged into total darkness. The meat in the refrigerator of the big market in the city is also rotting. Sellers are bringing it to the market and selling it at a low price.

Joel Prieto, a meat vendor, said, 'The smell of meat is coming out because of the lack of electricity. If we could sell it before it rotted, we would have got at least the purchase price.' Poor people are buying this rotten meat at a low price. Many poor residents thanked the president for eating meat!

Yedis Luna, a father of three, said: 'The smell is a bit weird. But it can be reduced by sprinkling vinegar and lemon juice. Thanks to Mr. Maduro, after a long time we can eat meat again.' Last year, his wife left him and his children for Columbia. Yedis Luna also said, 'I and my children of 6, 9 and 10 years have eaten cooked meat together. I was very scared about my children's illness. Because they are young. Only the little boy had a little diarrhoea.'

According to the news media, in Venezuela, the shortage, food shortage, product shortage is going on in balance even in the 'stock trade'! A class of unscrupulous traders are hoarding almost all the products in the market starting from raw materials. They are raising prices by creating artificial crisis on top of crisis. Forced to finally deploy the army in the market, President Maduro. Still the country's government is not able to do it.

The media say that Venezuela is the country with the largest oil reserves in the world. Basic services such as food, water and electricity were considered luxuries even during the economic crisis caused by the collapse of oil prices. After the economic crisis, these luxuries are also under pressure. President Nicolás Maduro has been blaming the United States and its allies for the crisis. US support for the opposition led to economic tensions amid the political crisis. That is why the country's economy has completely collapsed.

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