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Give your child discipline

Give your child the right education and knowledge that will bring respect and dignity to you and your family.

The Dhaka Times Desk The discipline and discipline of your family is reflected in the discipline and discipline of your children. It is through the behavior and attitude of the child that the proper education of his family and parents is imprinted.

সন্তানকে দিন শৃঙ্খলতা 1

Give your child the right education and knowledge, the expression of which will earn you and your family respect and dignity. Recently in the modern era where your child can easily get involved in various misdeeds, you have to take more care and discipline the child. Every child follows and imitates the manners and attitudes of his parents. So first you have to change your own attitude towards proper teaching of your child. Present yourself to the child in such a way that your child considers you as his role model.

If you don't follow the rules, your child will follow you. The impact of your messy life is enough to change your child's perspective. So if you watch TV on time, talk on mobile phone, do work on time then it is natural that your child will not do his homework on time. You must consciously do time work in front of your child because your child will learn by watching you. You must value your child's words and the child if you want to be important to him. If you want to get respect, you have to show respect.

We need to listen to all opinions of the child so that he knows himself as an important member of the family. We should never say no to our child's face. If any of his opinions or demands are not acceptable then he should explain it nicely. In the family, when we discipline our child for any wrongdoing, we must all support that discipline together. But we must be careful while disciplining the child not to use any bad language and gestures. We also have to be careful that if one person rules, the other person does not take the child's side or pull him and caress. By this the child may be influenced in his wrongdoing. Also then he will divide himself among his family members. While disciplining, he has to make it clear that an injustice is an injustice to everyone, be it father or mother or anyone else.

Family and parents play the most important role in protecting the child's self-confidence. You must talk and act in ways that will boost your child's confidence. In that case, the child can never be fooled by comparison with anyone. This work is never possible by you, you will never be able to do it, everyone else can do it except you, only you can't do it. This will make your child feel unfit for any job. Don't hold the baby in a sling. The child should develop a routine according to his work and comfort. Be sure to consider his opinion in the routine. Let the child play regularly with friends. Try to keep your child away from mobile phone, computer, television as much as possible.

Convince the child if he is wrong, if it doesn't work, scare him and then punish him if it doesn't work. Punishment will not lay hands on the child. You can separate the things he likes from him, reduce talking to him. Never use abusive language in front of your child. Do not slander, lie, or criticize anyone in front of your child. By doing so, your child will not show respect to others.
Focus on teaching the child the value of time, patience, respect for others. Develop a relationship so that the child can tell his parents about all the wrongdoings that have happened to him without fear. By doing that we will be able to protect our children from various anti-social acts that may happen to them. Remember that it is the responsibility of all of us so that the future of tomorrow does not fall into the storm soon.

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