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The husband loves more than the wife in court for divorce!

A husband loves his wife very much. Always helps her with housework and never quarrels with her

The Dhaka Times Desk Many wives complain that their husbands do not love them. In some cases, incidents like divorce also occur. But today a little exceptional case is that the husband loves more, so the wife has come to the court for divorce!

স্বামী বেশি ভালোবাসে তাই বিচ্ছেদ চেয়ে আদালতে স্ত্রী! 1

A husband loves his wife very much. Always helps her with housework and never quarrels with her. Because of this much love, it has become a cause of annoyance to the wife! That is why the woman has approached the court seeking separation from her husband. Such a strange event happened in the United Arab Emirates!

According to a published report, the woman told the court that her husband never shouted at her or rejected her. Now the situation is such that she is bound by the extreme love and affection of her husband.

The woman also said that her husband even cleaned the house without telling her anything. He also occasionally cooks for his wife. That's why he told the court that this hassle-free life seems like hell to the woman!

In this regard, the woman's husband said, 'I have always tried to be a perfect and kind husband. Once my wife complained about my weight, I also lost weight through strict diet and exercise. I also fractured my right leg while exercising at that time.'

However, the court after receiving these different types of complaints advised the husband to call the husband and explain to his wife to withdraw the case without divorce. The court ordered the stay of the case, allowing the couple to settle and return home.
