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108 megapixel camera phone came for the first time in the world!

There is no doubt that this will truly be a milestone for camera mobiles

The Dhaka Times Desk 108 megapixel camera phone came for the first time in the world to match with various smartphones in the market! There is no doubt that this will truly be a milestone for camera mobiles.

বিশ্বে প্রথমবারের মতো এলো ১০৮ মেগাপিক্সেল ক্যামেরা ফোন! 1

108 megapixel camera phone came for the first time in the world to match with various smartphones in the market! There is no doubt that this will truly be a milestone for camera mobiles.

The mobile market is advancing with the development of technology. Big companies are competing to capture the market. Especially in the field of mobile cameras, a lot of competition has started in recent times. Two from one camera are now seen 5 or 6 cameras are also being set in one mobile. Similarly, competition has also come in the camera pixels. The competition has started as to who can bring the most mega pixel camera mobile. This is the first 108 megapixel camera phone in the world.

In May this year, Samsung hit the market with a 64 megapixel camera phone. The 108 megapixel camera phone came without cutting the rash! This is the first 108 megapixel camera phone in the world. Samsung has brought the sensor called ISOCell Bright HMX in joint venture with Xiaomi company of China.

Recently, for the first time, Xiaomi has shown photos taken with Samsung's megapixel smartphone camera sensor. This time, more than 50 percent more pixels have been added to this new sensor. Samsung's claim is that this is the first time it has been possible to cross the milestone of 100 million pixels in the smartphone camera. So the pictures taken by mobile with this sensor will be very good and very bright pictures. The sensor can also record 6K video at a rate of 30 fps in addition to high-resolution photos.

If you don't need such a high resolution image, in that case, you can combine 4 pixels and take a high quality 27 megapixel image with this sensor. That's why even if the resolution is low, this picture will be very bright and the camera will get very good pictures even in low light. There is no doubt that this will truly be a milestone for camera mobiles.

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