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How to get rid of period pain

Women are in various complicated situations during period problems

The Dhaka Times Desk All women experience pain at some point in the month as part of their normal physical response. And this pain is as unbearable as it is not normal. Now know how to get rid of that period pain.

পিরিয়ডের যন্ত্রণা থেকে মুক্তিলাভ করবেন যেভাবে 1

Women are in various complicated situations during period problems. Although this problem of women is temporary, it affects the development of women. What we call menstruation in simple language, women can experience various physical complications during menstruation or in some cases before menstruation. Physical complications during or before menstruation include headache, lower abdominal pain, severe pain in the waist and legs, which are very normal for many people. Many women seek medical advice to relieve these menstrual pains, and many also take many medications along with tablets, which increases their risk of physical side effects.

During periods, women may experience various types of problems or fatigue in the waist and various muscles, as a result of which the body becomes numb, but if you follow some rules, you can get rid of this problem.

So let us know how to get rid of this period pain very easily at home:

drink water

During the period, the amount of water in the body gradually decreases, so there is no alternative to drinking water. Every woman should drink enough water during menstruation.
Consuming a lot of water reduces menstrual cramps and it is mandatory for a woman to drink a lot of water during her period or menstruation as advised by various doctors. In addition, women are told to drink a lot of water for a few days after the end of the period to gain physical freshness.


Doctors advise to keep a considerable distance from caffeine during menstruation. Hot tea relaxes the body's muscles and relieves fatigue, which is why many experts recommend taking it during hot periods. However, it is wise to stay away from caffeine at this time. The caffeine used in tea and coffee constricts the veins and arteries in our body through which our blood flows normally, resulting in increased physical pain and aches. That is why it is recommended for all of us to stay away from caffeine during menstruation as per doctor's advice. In terms of taking tea, we can take lemon tea, ginger tea, peppermint tea, chamomile tea, lavender tea etc.


Cinnamon plays a very important role in relieving our physical pain. The contribution of cinnamon in getting relief from period or menstrual pain is very good which is noticeable to all of us. In terms of pain relief, the ingredients in cinnamon include calcium, manganese as well as beneficial ingredients like fiber and iron, as a result of which cinnamon works as a very useful tool in relieving pain in our body as well as in alleviating various diseases and complications of the body. 2 to 3 days before the onset of menstruation, grind 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and boil it with hot tea for five minutes and consume it mixed with honey, then there is no period or menstrual pain.


Ginger is very useful and effective medicine in health care. Ginger is second to none when it comes to pain relief. Ginger relieves pain as well as helps us relieve physical fatigue. Consuming ginger regularly during periods can relieve menstrual cramps. Ginger controls the body's pain-inducing prostaglandins, thereby reducing pain easily. In taking ginger, a piece of ginger should be squeezed with plenty of hot water. A small amount of honey should be mixed in it. A mixture of ginger with honey should be mixed well with lemon juice and taken regularly, as a result of which women's menstrual pain will be reduced in a short period of time.


Enjoyable sex or orgasm plays a special role in relieving menstrual pain. As a result of orgasm, the blood circulation in the body increases which results in the release of many types of hormones from our body. This relieves our various physical complications as well as physical pain. As a result of the increase in blood circulation and the release of hormones, menstrual pain is reduced to a large extent, which is why experts consider orgasm during menstruation to be one of the methods of pain relief.

Also, it is very important to avoid fatty foods during menstruation. Adequate distance should be maintained from harmful ingredients salt during menstruation as salt can increase menstrual or period pain. Also, during the pain, the pain can be reduced to a great extent by applying heat or hot water bags to the lower abdomen. Sufficient amount of water and food should be consumed during menstruation. Bananas can be eaten Bananas increase iron in the body as well as eliminate potassium deficiency.

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