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Why do people commit suicide?

1 lakh 39.6 people commit suicide in Bangladesh every year

The Dhaka Times Desk A person can commit suicide for various reasons. Among them can be personality problems, severe mental illness or less mental, drug addiction, anxiety, depression or impulsivity etc. Why do people commit suicide? This report is about that.

কী কারণে মানুষ আত্মহত্যা করে? 1

A study found that 1 lakh 39.6 people commit suicide every year in Bangladesh. In other countries suicide rate is higher among boys but in Bangladesh the rate is higher among females. The suicide rate is usually highest among young girls.

Many choose suicide because of lack of education, poverty, marital discord. Moreover, love-related complications, financial hardship, chronic diseases, family conflicts etc. are some of the reasons behind suicide.

Common reasons people commit suicide

Depression or being alone. Persistent moodiness, loss of enthusiasm or increased or decreased sleep, decreased or increased appetite, weight loss or gain, lack of energy in activities, loss of concentration, irritability, feeling lonely and unattractive Feeling like, unwanted guilt and talking or thinking about suicide. If these symptoms persist for more than two consecutive weeks, we call him a patient of major depression and assume that he is at risk of suicide.

Psychiatrist said that the way to control suicide in any problem is to open up about his problem to someone close. Have an open discussion. Never keep a problem to yourself. If the problem persists, it will turn into depression and lead to suicide. At some point you will move towards suicide.

Treatment of suicidal tendencies

A depression patient can be completely cured by psychotherapy and counseling with various types of effective antidepressant drugs under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Generally amitriptyline, s citalopram, citalopram, mirtazapine are very effective as antidepressants.

Realizing the severity of depression worldwide, the slogan of World Health Day was long ago - "Depression: Let's Talk" ie "Let's discuss depression". Finally, I repeat that depression patients commit suicide invisibly. So always talk to them openly, give time and take expert advice as soon as possible.

# Dr. Based on Saeed Enam's published writings.

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