The Dhaka Times
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World's smallest bridge

The Dhaka Times Desk The bridge which is famous as the smallest international bridge in the world connects the two islands of Canada and America through this bridge.

The world's smallest bridge

The bridge you see in the picture is only 3 meters or 10 feet long. But you will be surprised when you hear that the two sides of this bridge are two countries. That is, it is the shortest international bridge in the world. Two small islands are connected by this bridge. The two islands of Canada and America are connected by this bridge.

There is only one house on the big island, which is part of Canada and part of America, and there are no houses on the small island. The two islands are Javacon Island and Little Javacon Island.

A very interesting story about these two islands. It has become a tradition here that the owner of the Canadian part of the island quarreled with his wife and sometimes emigrated, that is, spent time going from the big island to the small island.

But whatever the story, the scenery of both the islands is very beautiful. We believe that anyone who comes here will get a better gift for life.
Longitude Latitude of this Place: 44°22'9.68″N , 75°54'48.38″W

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Source: Online.

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