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This time Google will know the way in Bengal!

Bangla service has been launched in Google Maps app

The Dhaka Times Desk Thanks to modern information technology, we are going a long way. We can know many things through Google. Google is no match for navigation. But this time Google will know the way in Bengal!

এবার বাংলায় পথ চেনাবে গুগল! 1

Suppose you buy a motorcycle. To explore the city of Dhaka, he took his hobby motorcycle on the road. But you don't even know the address of Oligli in old Dhaka. What do you think? Google Maps is at your side. But this time Google map is coming with Bengali language. You will be guided to the destination. You need to launch the Google Maps app before the journey. You can know how much time it will take to reach a certain place by entering the destination. Along with this, you will hear directions in Bengali during the ride. Tech giant Google has already officially launched this service in Bangladesh.

Google Bangladesh Local Guide Moderator Mahbub Hasan said that the number of map users in Bangladesh has increased manifold in the last few years. The increase in the number of users, whether for ride sharing or for any other reason, has made Google think. So this company launched Bangla service on Google Maps app.

Mahbub Hasan also said, 'Google has started paying more attention to regional languages all over the world. As a result, 88 new languages have been added to Google's services in the last three years.

Mahbub Hasan also said that many people in the country use Google Maps, but because of the English language, many things were difficult for them to understand. So Google also kept in mind the matter of updating the app in mother tongue.

To get Bangla facility, select 'Bangla' as the language from the app. Even if you select 'Bangla' as the language of the cellphone, you can get this service," said Mahbub Hasan.

It does not end here. Google has added the security feature 'Stay Safer' to the app. After India, Bangladeshi users are getting this facility. Mahbub Hasan said, through this feature, the user can share his location with his family or loved ones.

On the way back, if the car deviates 500 meters away from the designated route, the cellphone will start giving an alarm. The alarm intensity will gradually increase, so that the user realizes that he is actually going in the wrong direction.

Google Bangladesh Local Guide Moderator also said that the cellphone will not give any signal before 500 meters. The reason is that Google will find alternative routes through the use of its algorithm. He added, 'If no alternative route is available, an immediate notification will be sent to the desired person, just as the user will be signaled.'

But this facility is currently available to Android users. iPhone users may have to wait for another six months, said Mahbub Hasan. As the reason, he said that there is no official support for iPhone in Bangladesh.

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