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New virus 'West Nile' in Bangladesh

The entire country has been affected by dengue epidemic for some time, just when such a news seems to indicate a new danger for us

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, our Bangladesh is going through a very terrible time with various adversities and natural complications. Amidst the environmental and other issues we are dealing with dengue, a new virus has emerged. Go to 'West Nile'.

বাংলাদেশে নতুন ভাইরাস ‘ওয়েস্ট নাইল’ 1

In our country, it is almost like panic to hear new virus. Where the entire country has been affected by dengue epidemic for some time now, such a news seems to indicate a new danger for us. There is still no information on where the virus came from and no idea how many people have been infected by the virus. The name of this virus is West Nile virus.

About the West Nile virus, government and private scientists and researchers of our country say that this virus is a completely new virus in Bangladesh. The virus was detected in the body of a person from the International Udramaya Research Center, which was confirmed and informed in writing to the government and three government departments in writing from ICDDRB a few days ago. Although in this case, the authorities refuse to provide information and statements on this matter.

In addition, according to various surveys and officials of the United Nations special agencies, the patients or virus victims can be found by surveying the patients in the region where this patient has been identified or nearby. Therefore, the UN consultants called for this work to be started quickly without wasting time.

Various studies have shown that West Nile virus is usually dormant in the body of crows. If a mosquito or insect infected with this virus bites the human body, there is a possibility that the body will be infected with the virus. A patient infected with this virus may die of nervous system disease. The disease usually shows no symptoms, but may be more severe if the horse is infected with the virus. Attacks by this virus lead to severe disease as well as death in horses. According to various sources, this virus was first detected in the body of a woman in the West Nile region of Uganda in 1937.

This virus has been epidemic in different countries of the world for the last 50 years. The virus has infected many people in many countries around the world. Influential countries like Greece, Israel, Romania, Russia and the United States have fallen victim to this virus epidemic. Africa, some parts of Europe, the Middle East, West Asia, Australia and other countries have also been infected with this virus. West Nile virus was introduced to New York City in 1999 and continued to affect it until about 2010. No vaccine against this virus has been discovered so far, nor has it been possible to find a specific treatment plan for patients infected with this virus. So this West Nile has become a dire threat day by day. About 1 in 5 people infected with the virus may experience fever and other side effects. According to various surveys, one in 150 patients suffer from severe conditions and may even die.

According to the World Health Organization, this virus can be detected through 5 types of tests. It was reported last Monday night that no one else has the technology to detect this virus except for two research institutes. Former Vice Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Professor Nazrul Islam said about the new virus and how to deal with it. Mosquitoes can act as carriers of the West Nile virus, so everyone is advised to focus on mosquito control.

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