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Zuckerberg's status on Bangladesh

Although Bangladesh is a very small country, this country has developed a lot especially in the information technology sector

The Dhaka Times Desk Although Bangladesh is a very small country, this country has developed a lot especially in the information technology sector. That is why Bangladesh is a country that is admired by the big people of the world even if it is small. Facebook founder and chief executive (CEO) Mark Zuckerberg gave a status about that Bangladesh. He also praised Bangladesh in that status.

জাকারবার্গের বাংলাদেশ নিয়ে স্ট্যাটাস 1

Although Bangladesh is a very small country, this country has developed a lot especially in the information technology sector. That is why Bangladesh is a country that is admired by the big people of the world even if it is small. Facebook founder and chief executive (CEO) Mark Zuckerberg gave a status about that Bangladesh. He also praised Bangladesh in that status.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted a status on social media Facebook about the outbreak of meningitis in Bangladesh. He also praised the use of a tool developed by his charity and Biohub in that status.

Mark Zuckerberg posted the status on September 27 at 12:29 p.m. In that status, he wrote, recently researchers in Bangladesh are using a tool called 'IDSEC' to find the cause of meningitis outbreaks. The tool was developed by the 'Chan Zuckerberg Initiative' and a team called BioHub.'

He also wrote that 'IDSeq' or Infectious Disease Sequencer is essentially an open source and cloud based tool that can be used by anyone with an internet connection. This could be a great example of how BioHub's technology and tools can be used to help prevent diseases in children.

On the other hand, the Gates Foundation is working to deliver the IDsec tool to all health workers in the world. That's why Mark Zuckerberg didn't forget to thank the Gates Foundation in his post. Mark Zuckerberg also posted a video about IDsec.

It should be noted that Facebook is one of the most popular social media in the world today. Facebook is also a very popular medium in Bangladesh. Teenagers are starting to become teenagers: old people are also now addicted to this Facebook.

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