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Your kiss can take away the baby's life!

Thousands of children are getting infected due to kissing

The Dhaka Times Desk When we see a baby, we all want to cuddle as well as hold it. Who does not like children? Holding, kissing, caressing a small child is an expression of our love. However, research says that a kiss can take the life of a child!

আপনার চুমু কেড়ে নিতে পারে শিশুর প্রাণ! 1

There is sweetness in the laughter of small children or their cries. But this loving kiss we give can become fatal for the baby or can take the life of the baby. Can put your beloved child in trouble and pain. Kisses can infect your beloved baby with various bacterial viruses and diseases. It has become such an epidemic now that doctors are urging parents not to kiss their babies on the mouth so everyone needs to be aware.

Currently, many children's lives are on the verge of death due to this problem in different parts of different countries. Thousands of children are getting infected due to kissing. Thousands of children are fighting death by getting infected with respiratory syncytial virus because of this kiss. Those of us who have colds, fevers, coughs, influenza, etc., if they kiss children's mouths, then the risk of being attacked by this virus increases.

If a person infected with a disease kisses a child's mouth, the risk of the child also being infected by that person's body language increases.

Two years ago, a child died at the age of 14 days in the United States due to just such a cause. Similarly, the child dies because of the kiss. It is known that when the child was ten days old, an outsider kissed the child on the cheek, from that time the germs in the child's body settled on the child and the child became infected with herpes simplex virus. As a result, after admitting the child to the hospital, the child died. The child remained in a coma at the hospital until his death.

According to doctors, even if the child had survived at that time, it would have affected his brain in the future. It is known through various experts that herpes is a very harmful virus for children. It is a very painful disease that first causes blisters on the body which later turn into sores and slowly spread throughout the body leading to death through excruciating pain. One in three children with the disease die regardless of treatment, according to England's National Health Service. This disease not only attacks the skin but also affects the brain, lungs and liver, resulting in death. According to doctors, the virus can enter the brain by mixing with the blood and it can take on dangerous to dangerous forms.

As soon as we see any such marks on the body of our beloved child, we should immediately seek the help of a doctor. Also we all need to be aware of the proper care of the child as well as its healthy development. We all have love for children so we all need to take care of their body and wish for their health. In that case, we have to care for the child's health with awareness, care and follow all aspects well. So that our child is healthy and strong and grows through proper care. We should all keep children at a safe distance from outsiders as much as possible. references; Daily Mail

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