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Lizard wants to swallow the big snake! [video]

Recently, such a case has gone viral on social media

The Dhaka Times Desk Just a little lizard. His courage is surprising. That lizard wants to swallow the huge snake! Such a video has gone viral in online media! You probably wouldn't believe it yourself if you didn't watch the video. Really strange this world and the animals of this world!

বিশাল সাপকেই গিলে খেতে চায় টিকটিকি! [ভিডিও] 1

Just a little lizard. His courage is surprising. That lizard wants to swallow the huge snake! Such a video has gone viral in online media! You probably wouldn't believe it yourself if you didn't watch the video. Really strange this world and the animals of this world!

Reptiles are both snakes and lizards. One reptile bites another to swallow. But the issue of swallowing would not have come up like this if a lizard did not want to eat such a big snake! These two are constantly fighting to see who can defeat whom. However, a person got in the way. That is why the fight is not over what will happen in the end.

Recently, such a case has gone viral on social media. A viral video shows a green snake being bitten by a gecko lizard. The snake is trying hard to free itself from the gecko bite. But the lizard is not leaving him at all.

In the midst of this fight between the gecko and the snake, a person enters. He seemed unable to accept that a death would happen in front of him. So he tried to save the snake. First he grabbed the tail of the snake and started shaking it. He thought that the shaking might make the lizard release the snake. But the lizard is not willing to leave the snake in any way.

After walking like this for a while, the person started pulling the snake to release it from the mouth of the lizard. The lizard did not let go of the snake at first. However, after such a long period of tension, the lizard finally broke the battle. He let go of the snake and ran away. The snake also gets caught very quickly. Then the unknown person gasped.

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