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'A small mistake will wipe Israel off the world map': Iran

Major General Mohammad Salami, Commander-in-Chief of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), issued this warning.

The Dhaka Times Desk Iran has warned Israel that 'the slightest mistake will wipe Israel off the world map'. Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander-in-chief, Major General Mohammad Salami, warned that Israel's slightest mistake against his country would be its last. Then this illegitimate state of occupation will be completely erased from the map of the world.

‘সামান্য ভুল করলেই ইসরায়েলকে বিশ্ব মানচিত্র থেকে মুছে ফেলা হবে’ : ইরান 1

Iran has warned Israel that 'the slightest mistake will wipe Israel off the world map'. Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander-in-chief, Major General Mohammad Salami, warned that Israel's slightest mistake against his country would be its last. Then this illegitimate state of occupation will be completely erased from the map of the world.

According to a news report, yesterday (Wednesday), General Salami said this when thousands of Revolutionary Guards commanders went to meet Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in Tehran, the capital of Iran. He also said that today the lines of communication of the Islamic revolution have reached thousands of kilometers deep.

General Salami said, America has essentially been isolated in the region by transferring its message of oppression, justice and spirituality.

According to a news report, IRGC Commander Salami emphasized on the strength and resilience of the Islamic Revolution and said that the revolutionary forces are being strengthened in various areas by using Iran's internal strength and capabilities.

According to a media report, Iran has long had hostile relations with Middle East rival Saudi Arabia and its allies. In the meantime, the entire Middle East has become heated recently due to the terrible drone attack of the Yemeni Houthi rebels on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia.

It should be noted that although the Houthis have accepted responsibility for the attack on Saudi oil fields, Saudi Arabia and the United States have been blaming Iran. However, Iran has completely denied any involvement in the attack. Still, Saudi Arabia and the United States continue to blame Iran.

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