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What happened after a woman climbed the fence and entered the lion's cage? [video]

The zoo authorities have condemned the woman for such behavior

The Dhaka Times Desk A truly amazing event. Perhaps no one else has the courage that a woman has shown! Such bravery is not seen in our society. A woman climbed the fence and entered the lion's cage. Then what happened in such an incident that day? There is no doubt that the story will make you shiver.

বেড়া টপকে সিংহের খাঁচায় এক নারী ঢুকে পড়ার পর কী ঘটেছিলো? [ভিডিও] 1

A truly amazing event. Perhaps no one else has the courage that a woman has shown! Such bravery is not seen in our society. A woman climbed the fence and entered the lion's cage. Then what happened in such an incident that day? There is no doubt that the story will make you shiver.

Such an incident happened in a zoo in New York. New York's Bronx Zoo is always crowded with people. But a woman has done something like standing up in a crowd of people. He climbed over the protective zone (fence) of the zoo and went very close to the lion. But the lion did not hurt him.

Recently, the video went viral when a person named Real Sobrino posted it on his Instagram account. Many have praised the courage of the woman. However, his identity has been kept secret. His name is not known.

According to an international media report, a visitor who was visiting the zoo at that time recorded the video of the scene. In the video, it can be seen that the woman is staying very close to the lion. He can also be seen interacting with the lion by waving his hand! At this time, the lion is also seen to be quite calm.

The zoo authorities have condemned the woman for such behavior. In a statement, the zoo authorities said the move to approach the lion over the fence was a serious violation and an illegal act, which could have caused serious injury or death.

The statement of the zoo authorities also said that there is a 'zero tolerance policy' for such behaviour. New York police are investigating the incident. However, it was also informed through a departmental statement that no one has been arrested so far.

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